Friday, April 25, 2008

This and That

I bought two pairs of shorts yesterday in hopes that it will someday soon be warm enough to wear them. I am so ready for some warm weather. I think I will spread on some self-tanning lotion in anticipation. ;o)

Since I am just getting by day to day and am not looking to far in the future I realized yesterday that my kids needed FIVE cereal boxes to take to a science class today. I had one on hand so I sent Ron to get cereal after work and told him get whatever is cheap. He brings home CoCoa Crispies and Fruity Pebbles, 2 boxes of each. The kids are in heaven. It did make me feel good when Evie said she had never heard of these before.


Tracy said...

Oh boy! My kids would be in heaven too!

Gotta love self-tanner.

Jamie said...

She had never even heard of them? Wow, I'm impressed! My kids love it when dad goes to the grocery store.
I'm so ready for some warmer weather too!

Lynda said...

Hmmmm... this gives me a good idea of what to bring the next time I visit!

Ginger said...
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Ginger said...

Cocoa Krispies bring back great memories! My kids can't say that, though. I don't think I have ever bought them. It must be that partial "health nut" in me, or maybe that part of me that cringes when I see $3 eaten up in 30 seconds! :) Just the same...Cocoa Krispies--Yum!