Sunday, April 6, 2008

Judmentalism Part 2

A few posts back I talked about judging others. God has continued conversation about this with me and here is what He has shown me. Many times, if not all the time, my judgments are not necessarily accurate. Shocking, I know. I am only seeing a cross-section of a situation. A snapshot if you will. In the past week or so He has shown me different sides of situations that I was quick to make a call on. And shocking again, there was more to a situation than I knew or was privy to. Let's just say some situations are multi-faceted, just like a jewel. God sees what is really going on in a heart, not me. Shocking, yet once more.

Unless it is me right smack dab in the middle of a situation I really have no idea the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth(and even then my truth can be distorted). How it appears is not necessarily the way it is. So all that to say God has has said to me gently 'love covers a multitude of sins'. I am not advocating a 'live and let live' philosophy or a 'don't ask don't tell' policy. But for me, I think I need to work on being 'slow to speak and quick to hear', 'speaking truth in love', and 'loving others as myself'.

Jamie has a great video of Jeremy Camp singing 'Empty Me'. Oh, Jesus that is what I need from you. More of You and less of me. Because I can be so sinful myself and not even see the plank in my own eye.


Anonymous said...

Wow Jill,
God is really doing a work in your heart and I think that is wonderful! I too jump to conclusions and judge situations before I know the whole story. Sometimes, I unfortunately act on my assumptions and then there is a whole mess of misunderstandings and hurts to try and clear up. It goes to show how amazing our Savior is to love us in spite of ourselves. It also makes me stop and consider, how will I change this nasty behavior in my life or am I even willing to truly exam my planks… Thank for sharpening my iron my friend and for a great challenge to see people through God’s eyes.
~ Carol

Beth said...

I am with you on making assumptions and drawing conclusions when I really don't know the whole story. I often think, after the fact of course, that I should just keep my thoughts to myself... or better yet turn my thoughts toward God and spend my time praying for others.

Jamie said...

Amen and Amen Jill! More of Him and less of me, that is my heart's desire too. I often pray, "God help me to see them through Your eyes" I don't want me, my emotions and my judgements to get in the way of God's work.

Tricia said...

I am glad to hear about how God is working in your life! This judging thing is a lesson for all of us. It's so nice to share these with each other and learn together. Thanks...

Kelly said...

Such wisdom here. "Empty Me" is a favorite song of mine--may He increase, and I decrease!