Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Perfectionism and legacies

I started a new book this weekend; Building Her House by Nancy Wilson. It has many short essays on family, marriage, mothering and attitudes. It is a pretty light and encouraging read. One of the essays that I read made the statement that
'God is perfect, but not a perfectionist'. Perfectionism is man's invention.
This goes right along with what God has been revealing to me or teaching me about our home. Not the remodeling part although it could certainly apply here too. But more on the heart of the home. A week or so ago I saw a video of Voddie Bauchum and his wife Bridget. It is 14 minutes long, but very powerful...It is titled Leaving a Legacy. (sorry, I couldn't post the video here)

When he talked about family worship being more about doing it, setting aside time to honor God, not necessarily the content, but just doing it, that really spoke to me. I get so caught up in thinking things need to look a certain way that I miss the point. So this goes back to God is perfect, not a perfectionist. For me this has been quite freeing. Do what I know God wants me to do, and trust Him to fill in the gaps. Our family is going on three weeks of having a daily family worship, before we have been hit and miss. Sometimes more miss than hit. It has been great to have a casual time in the mornings, no pressure, no outline, just focusing on God's Word and plan for our family. I don't say this to give glory to us, it is all God, working it out.


Juli said...

I so needed to hear this! My life is 500% better than it used to be, but lately I have still been feeling like I am not accomplishing enough! The list in my head is mounting every day and then I feel overwhelmed. One little thing happens to keep me from accomplishing a task I want to do and I fill like a failure! My students didn't respond like I thought they should...failure, the kitchen STILL has dishes in it...failure, and I still don't have the home I am so thrilled to share with my amazing hubby decorated...FAILURE!!!

Why does this "stuff" matter so much to me..once I again I feel failure.

Being a perfectionist and thriving to be like the Perfect one is not the same! Why does it take me sooo long to get these things???

Thanks Jill.


Lori said...

you are so right, Jill.
how can we be more like Christ when we don't make time with Him and even more important is how can our families exemplify the image of God in our families if we don't, as families, make time to be with him.
you've hit it right on the head, girl.


Kent said...

I thought you might be interested in a few more books by Nancy Wilson, now available from Logos Bible Software:

Nancy Wilson Collection