Monday, November 14, 2011

Happy Day Project Review

I so enjoyed the Happy Day Project.  It was just what I needed to jump back into blogging. 

God has been speaking to me in the theme of 'Do What You Can With What You Have' and this was a perfect way for me to apply what I have been learning. 
The acts of kindess that were done this week were not done in Mathat Stewart fashion.  There were no clever tags attached to the project.  I did not deliver gourmet dinners.  Just simple.  I did what I could with what I had and you know what?  It felt good.  It felt good to not stress about the details of making something perfect and instead focus on the heart behind the act.  It felt good to have my husband comment on me not being stressed out to have folk over for dinner.  It felt good to do things God's way without self-imposed expectations that were just out of reach.

It amazes me that I am still learning about myself.  I really thought I would be so much more grown-up by now.  More mature.  More together.  More confident.  More.  Although there has been much work done in this heart of mine over the 21 years since I said "yes" to Jesus there is still much refining that needs to be done.  Flowerpatch Farmgirl spoke beautifully what my heart was thinking this week regarding the gentle work of the Father...
"He works one chamber at a time changing small pieces.  He lights the spark of willingness and tunes the strings of brokeness and grace" 
I cannot do the work on my own.  I need His help.  I need the help of my like-minded fellow travelers who are also on a journey to the same place. Christ-likeness.  Their path may look different than mine but we can encourage eachother to press on. 

Although I may need work and I am seeing more and more that I am not enough on my own, I am also learning new lessons on grace thanks to this book written by this girl.  I am feeling a freedom to just be.  To just rest.  And that through Him I am enough.


Jamie said...

I'm learning that too - in Him I am enough. Love what God is doing in your heart! So thankful to be on this journey with you, friend.

Kelli said...

First time on your blog . . . good thoughts! I'm right there with you on that overcoming perfectionism for the *heart* behind it thing. Don't we all want to be "more" of that kind of FREE??!! Oh, to have a Mary heart with those Martha hands!
Thanks for sharing!