Life is busy and my thoughts are scattered. When I sit to post...I got nothin' When I am living life I think...this would make a good post. Always a day late and a dollar short. I am refusing to just post my weekly menus. Lame.
So I am thinking of re-naming my blog
I SIMPLY HAVE NO THOUGHTS. That should get some readers, don't cha think?
Here is a little status report of sorts:
Working on: The garden - planting veggies
The yard - killing weeds
The house - tearing down walls...again...and sanding floors
Excited about: My new job as preschool director. I am loving it! It has great hours, great pay, and great coworkers.
Thinking about: How to connect with the girls in my Sunday School class.
Contemplating: How to punish my son for breaking the computer mouse. Every time I click on it I have to put it back together. Grrrr.
Looking forward to: A little vacation in a couple weeks to the mountains. Ahhh...peace...quiet.
Dreading: Putting all the winter clothes away.
Happy: Beth is feeling better!