Monday, April 9, 2007

Feminine Appeal review

I get to check another book off of the Spring Reading Thing challenge. Feminine Appeal by Carolyn Mahaney was excellent! When starting a new book I always look through the titles of the chapters and predetermine which ones the Lord will speak to me through. I would have never guessed before reading the book that the chapter titled 'The rewards of kindness' would have spoken to me the way it did. The Lord revealed some things that I did not realize were in my heart. Thank you Lord, for revealing secret things in my heart.

The last chapter is called 'Margaret's Story'. Can I just say I want that to be said of me. As I read about this dear sweet woman I kept thinking 'She is amazing'. I want to be content in my life. That serving my family is enough and I mean really serving them like Margaret. The Lord has showed me some things that still need to be removed to do this. I pray that I have the courage to do that. To give up the things that maybe are not best for my family. Good things, even godly things, just not God's best for me. I pray that I would not to worry or even consider what others may think of me for leaving commitments. I want to serve my family well.

This book was filled with encouragment as well as challenges. I had never heard of the Mahaney's before. I will have to look into other books they have written.


Kim said...

ahve not read this one yet...but want to. I love CJ book Humility True greatness and Carolyn's Girl Talk. I also want to read The Cross Centered Life.

Good stuff!
Thanks for the rec...Maybe I can read it this summer.


4given said...

This is one of my favorites that I believe would make a wonderful group study for women. Good stuff!!!